1.Wu, Q.Y., Lu, X.S., Feng, M.B., Wang, W.L.,Du, Y.*, Yang, L.L., Hu, H.Y. Reduction of cytotoxicity and DNA double-strand break effects of wastewater by ferrate(VI): Roles of oxidation and coagulation,Water Research, 2021, doi: //doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2021.117667
2.Wu, Q.Y., Yang, L.L.,Du,Y.*, Liang, Z.F., Wang, W.L., Song, Z.M., Wu, D.X. Toxicity of ozonated wastewater to HepG2 cells: Taking full account of nonvolatile, volatile, and inorganic byproducts.Environmental Science & Technology, 2021,55(15), 10597-10607.
3.Wu, Q.Y., Yang, L.L., Zhang, X.Y., Wang, W.L., Lu, Y.,Du, Y.*, Lun Y., Hu, H.Y. Ammonia-mediated bromate inhibition during ozonation promotes the toxicity due to organic byproduct transformation.Environmental Science & Technology, 2020,54,8926-8937
4.Wu, Q.Y., Liang, Z.F., Wang, W.L.,Du, Y.*, Hu, H.Y., Yang, L.L., Huang, W.C. Non-volatile disinfection byproducts are far more toxic to mammalian cells than volatile byproducts.Water Research, 2020, 183, 116080.
5.Du, Y.,WangW.L., Zhang, D.Y., Zhou, T.H., Lee, M.Y., Wu, Q.Y.*, Hu, H.Y., He, Z.M., Huang, T.Y. Degradation of non-oxidizing biocide benzalkonium chloride and bulk dissolved organic matter in reverse osmosis concentrate by UV/chlorine oxidation.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 396, 122669
6.Du, Y., Yang, Y., Wang, W.L., Zhou, Y.T., Wu, Q.Y.*, Hu, H.Y. Surrogates for the removal by ozonation of the cytotoxicity and DNA double-strand break effects of wastewater on mammalian cells.Environment International,2020,135, 105369.
7.Du, Y., Wang, W. L., He, T., Sun, Y.X., Lv, X.T., Wu, Q.Y.*, Hu, H.Y. Chlorinated effluent organic matter causes higher toxicity than chlorinated natural organic matter by inducing more intracellular reactive oxygen species.Science of the Total Environment,2020, 701, 134881
8.Wu, Q.Y.*, Zhou, Y.T., Li, W., Zhang, X.,Du, Y.*, Hu, H. Y. Underestimated risk from ozonation of wastewater containing bromide: Both organic byproducts and bromate contributed to the toxicity increase.Water Research,2019, 162,43-52.(ESI热点论文)
9.Du, Y., Wu, Q.Y.*, Lv, X.T., Ye, B., Zhan, X.M., Lu, Y., Hu, H.Y.* Electron donating capacity reduction of dissolved organic matter by solar irradiation reduces the cytotoxicity formation potential during wastewater chlorination.Water Research,2018, 145, 94-102.
10.Du, Y., Wu, Q.Y.*, Lv, X. T., Wang, Q. P., Lu, Y., Hu, H.Y.* Exposure to solar light reduces cytotoxicity of sewage effluents to mammalian cells: Roles of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species.Water Research,2018, 143, 570-578.
11.Du, Y.,Lv, X. T., Wu, Q. Y.*, Zhang, D. Y., Zhou, Y. T., Peng, L., Hu, H. Y.* Formation and control of disinfection byproducts and toxicity during reclaimed water chlorination: A review.Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2017, 58, 51-63.
12.Du, Y., Zhang, X., Li, C., Wu, Q.Y.*, Huang, H., Hu, H.Y. Transformation of DON in reclaimed water under solar light irradiation leads to decreased haloacetamide formation potential during chloramination.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017,340, 319-325.
13.Du, Y.,Wu, Q.Y.*, Lu, Y., Hu, H.Y.*, Yang, Y., Liu, R., Liu, F. Increase of cytotoxicity during wastewater chlorination: impact factors and surrogates.Journal of Hazardous Materials,2017,324, 681-690.
14.Chen, C.,Du, Y., Zhou, Y., Wu, Q., Zheng, S., Fang, J.* Formation of nitro (so) and chlorinated products and toxicity alteration during the UV/monochloramine treatment of phenol.Water Research, 2021,194, 116914.
15.Huo, Z.Y.,Du, Y., Chen, Z., Wu, Y.H.*, Hu, H.Y. Evaluation and prospects of nanomaterial-enabled innovative processes and devices for water disinfection: A state-of-the-art review.Water Research,2020, 173, 115581.
16.Huang, W.C.,Du, Y., Liu, M., Hu, H.Y., Wu, Q.Y.*, Chen, Y.* Influence of UV irradiation on the toxicity of chlorinated water to mammalian cells: Toxicity drivers, toxicity changes and toxicity surrogates.Water Research, 2019, 165, 115024.
17.Zhong, Y., Gan, W.,Du, Y., Huang, H., Wu, Q., Xiang, Y., Yang, X.* Disinfection byproducts and their toxicity in wastewater effluents treated by the mixing oxidant of ClO2/Cl2.Water Research, 2019, 162, 471-481. 2
18.Wang, W.L., Wu, Q.Y.*,Du, Y., Huang, N., Hu, H.Y.* Elimination of chlorine-refractory carbamazepine by breakpoint chlorination: Reactive species and oxidation byproducts.Water Research, 2018,129, 115-122.
19.Lv, X.T., Zhang, X.,Du, Y., Wu, Q.Y.*, Lu, Y., Hu, H.Y. Solar light irradiation significantly reduced cytotoxicity and disinfection byproducts in chlorinated reclaimed water.Water Research, 2017,125, 162-169.
20.胡洪营*,杜烨,吴乾元,陈卓,杨宏伟,陆韻,李魁晓.系统工程视野下的再生水饮用回用安全保障体系构建.环境科学研究,2018, 31(7), 1163-1173.