Wang ZY (王志宇), Shi YZ, Zhao QH, Yao GW, He MD, Zhou XF (2023). “Bending behaviours of load-carrying fillet welds around misaligned hollow structural sections”. Structures, 48: 1057-1071 (ESI/SCI国际期刊检索, IF: 4.01)
Wang ZY (王志宇), Wang QF, Huang PY, Yao GW, Yang R, Chen ZB (2023). “Thermal gradients and their effects on bending behavior of composite girders with trapezoidal profiled webs”. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 27: 604-617 (ESI/SCI国际期刊检索, IF: 2.32)
Deng LX, Shao YB, Liu GD, Wang ZY (王志宇), Wu C, Wang J (2022). “Investigation on local compressive performance of corrugated web I-girder with rectangular grouted tubular flange I-girder”. Thin-Walled Structures, 179: 109687 (ESI/SCI国际期刊检索, IF: 5.88)
Wang ZY (王志宇), Shi YZ, Zhou XF, Shao YB (2022). “Assessment of surface crack growth of composite girders with concrete-filled tubular flanges and corrugated webs through substructure-based numerical modelling”, Engineering Structures, 252: 113613 (ESI/SCI国际期刊检索, IF: 5.58)
Jing Qiu, Qiuhong Zhao, Zhiyu Wang (王志宇), Cheng Yu (2022). “Lateral behavior of trapezoidally corrugated wall plates in steel plate shear walls. Part 1: Elastic buckling”, Thin-Walled Structures, 174: 109104 (ESI/SCI国际期刊检索, IF: 5.88)
Jing Qiu, Qiuhong Zhao, Cheng Yu, Zhiyu Wang (王志宇) (2022). “Lateral behavior of trapezoidally corrugated wall plates in steel plate shear walls. Part 2: Shear strength and post-peak behavior”, Thin-Walled Structures, 174: 109103 (ESI/SCI国际期刊检索, IF: 5.88)
周夏芳,王志宇,刘梓锋,刘洋等(2021). 波形钢腹板体外预应力组合梁正截面承载力及应力分布特征研究. 建筑结构学报, 42(S1): 229-238 (EI期刊检索)
ZY Wang (王志宇), XF Zhou, ZF liu, QY Wang (2021). “Fatigue behaviour of composite girders with concrete-filled tubular flanges and corrugated webs—experimental study”, Engineering Structures, 241: 112416 (ESI/SCI国际期刊检索, IF: 5.58)
Zhiyu Wang (王志宇), Xiafang Zhou, Zifeng Liu. (2021). “Panting fatigue of trapezoidal corrugated steel webs with mixed-mode cracks.”, International Journal of Steel Structures, 21: 576–589 (ESI/SCI国际期刊检索, IF: 1.65)
Zhi-Yu Wang (王志宇), Tao Zhang, Xiaolei Li (2020). “Experimental and numerical study of residual stress distribution of corrugated web I-beams”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 166: 105926 (ESI/SCI国际期刊检索, IF: 4.34)
刘梓锋,王志宇,周夏芳(2019). 波形钢腹板-钢管混凝土翼缘组合梁的抗弯性能及应力特性分析. 建筑结构学报, 40(S1): 325-332 (EI期刊检索)
Zhi-Yu Wang (王志宇), Fang Yuan, Yang Chen, Qing-Yuan Wang, Tao Chen, Xiafang Zhou, Zifeng Liu (2019). “Fatigue resistance of post-buckled slender trapezoidal corrugated webs in girders with stiff flanges, Engineering Structures, 198: 109478 (ESI/SCI国际期刊检索, IF: 5.58)
王志宇,史亚龙,李晓磊,吴耀勇,罗思彬 (2019). 钢-玻璃组合梁平面内受力性能及计算方法研究. 建筑结构学报, 40(4): 64-73(EI期刊检索)
ZY Wang (王志宇), T Zhang, Y Chen, F Yuan, XF Zhou, ZF liu (2019). “Fatigue behaviour of slender corrugated webs subjected to plate breathing”, International Journal of Fatigue, 122: 46-60 (ESI/SCI国际期刊检索, IF: 5.48)
Zhi-Yu Wang (王志宇), Yalong Shi, Yaoyong Wu, Qing-Yuan Wang, Sibin Luo (2018). “Shear behaviour of structural silicone adhesively bonded steel-glass orthogonal lap joints”, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 32(24): 2693-2708 (ESI/SCI国际期刊检索, IF: 2.43)
Zhi-Yu Wang (王志宇), Tao Zhang , Xiaolei Li, Qing-Yuan Wang, Wanqiu Huang, Mengqin Shen, (2018). “Characterization of the effect of CFRP reinforcement on the fatigue strength of aluminium alloy plates with fastener holes”, Engineering Structures, 177: 739-752 (ESI/SCI国际期刊检索, IF: 5.58)
Zhi-Yu Wang (王志宇), Xiaolei Li, Weiming Gai, Ruijuan Jiang, Qing-Yuan Wang, Qiuhong Zhao, Jucan Dong, Tao Zhang (2018). “Shear response of trapezoidal profiled webs in girders with concrete-filled RHS flanges”, Engineering Structures, 174: 212-228 (ESI/SCI国际期刊检索, IF: 5.58)
张涛,王志宇,李晓磊 (2018). T 形接头钢板焊接残余应力试验研究. 建筑结构学报, 39(S2): 128-134 (EI期刊检索)
Xiang You, Zhiyu Wang(王志宇), Qingyuan Wang, Mengqin Cao, Mengqin Shen, Wanqiu Huang (2017). “ Effect of shot blasting on fatigue strength of Q345B steel plate with a central hole”, Metals, 7, 517: 1-13 (ESI/SCI国际期刊检索, IF: 2.69)
Zhi-Yu Wang (王志宇), Yalong Shi, Qing-Yuan Wang, Yaoyong Wu, Mingde He (2017). “In-plane shear compression behaviour of steel-glass composite beams with laminated glass webs”, Engineering Structures, 150: 892-904 (ESI/SCI国际期刊检索, IF: 5.58)
Zhi-Yu Wang (王志宇), Qing-Yuan Wang, Lihui Li, Ning Zhang (2017). “Fatigue behaviour of CFRP strengthened open-hole steel plates”, Thin-Walled Structures, 115: 176-187 (ESI/SCI国际期刊检索, IF: 5.88)
Zhi-Yu Wang (王志宇), Xinsong Yang, Qing-Yuan Wang (2017). “Development of mathematical model for cyclic behaviour of blind bolted HSS column components”, Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 17: 943-953 (ESI/SCI国际期刊检索, IF: 4.25)
Zhi-Yu Wang (王志宇), Qing-Yuan Wang, Mengqin Cao (2017). “Experimental study on fatigue behaviour of shot-peened open-hole steel plates”, Materials, 10, 996: 1-13 (ESI/SCI国际期刊检索, IF: 3.74)
Zhi-Yu Wang (王志宇), Ning Zhang, Qing-Yuan Wang (2016). “Tensile behaviour of open-hole and bolted steel plates reinforced by CFRP strips”, Composites: Part B-Engineering, 100: 101-113 (ESI/SCI国际期刊检索, IF: 11.32)
王志宇,王清远,薛辉,刘晓凯 (2016). 螺栓端板连接方钢管柱低周疲劳性能及损伤模型研究. 建筑结构学报, 37(6): 151-159 (EI期刊检索)
王志宇,王清远,刘晓凯,薛辉 (2016). 基于屈服线理论的螺栓端板连接方钢管柱承载力计算模型研究. 建筑结构学报, 37(6): 160-173 (EI期刊检索)
Zhi-Yu Wang (王志宇), Qing-Yuan Wang (2016). “Yield and ultimate strengths determination of a blind bolted endplate connection to square hollow section column”, Engineering Structures, 111: 345-369 (ESI/SCI国际期刊检索, IF: 5.58)
Zhi-Yu Wang (王志宇), Lihui Li, Yong-Jie Liu, Qing-Yuan Wang (2016). “Fatigue property of open-hole steel plates influenced by bolted clamp-up and hole fabrication methods”, Materials, 9, 698: 1-10 (ESI/SCI国际期刊检索, IF: 3.74)
Zhi-Yu Wang (王志宇), Qing-Yuan Wang, Hui Xue, Xiaokai Liu (2016). “Low cycle fatigue response of bolted T-stub connections to HSS columns-experimental study”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 119: 216-232 (ESI/SCI国际期刊检索, IF: 4.34)
王志宇,王清远 (2015). 波形钢板焊接连接件的疲劳试验研究及寿命评价. 建筑结构学报, 36(9): 133-142 (EI期刊检索)
ZY Wang (王志宇), QY Wang, RJ Jiang (2015). “Finite element based fatigue assessment of corrugated steel web beams in highway bridges”, International Journal of Civil Engineering, 13(4): 419-431 (ESI/SCI国际期刊检索, IF: 0.49)
Zhi-Yu Wang (王志宇), Qing-Yuan Wang, Yong-Jie Liu (2015). “Evaluation of fatigue strength improvement by CFRP laminates and shot peening onto the tension flanges joining corrugated steel webs”, Materials, 8: 5348−5362 (ESI/SCI国际期刊检索, IF: 3.74)
Zhi-Yu Wang (王志宇), Qing-Yuan Wang, Yong-Jie Liu (2015). “Fatigue behaviour of welded joints assembled by longitudinal corrugated plates”, Journal of Central South University, 22(7): 2752−2760 (SCI期刊检索, IF: 0.49)
Zhi-Yu Wang (王志宇), Qing-Yuan Wang (2015). “Fatigue strength of CFRP strengthened welded joints with corrugated steel plates”, Composites: Part B-Engineering, 72: 30-39 (ESI/SCI国际期刊检索, IF: 11.32)
Zhiyu Wang (王志宇), Qingyuan Wang (2014). “Fatigue assessment of welds joining corrugated steel webs to flange plates”, Engineering Structures, 73: 1-12 (ESI/SCI国际期刊检索, DB电竞论文, IF: 5.58)
Zhiyu Wang (王志宇), Lianfei Tan, Qingyuan Wang (2013). “Fatigue strength evaluation of welded structural details in corrugated steel web girders”, International Journal of Steel Structures, 13: 707-721 (ESI/SCI国际期刊检索, IF: 1.65)
Walid Tizani, Zhi Yu Wang (王志宇), Iman Hajirasouliha (2013). “Hysteretic performance of a new blind bolted connection to concrete filled columns under cyclic loading: An experimental investigation”, Engineering Structures, 46: 535-546 (ESI/SCI国际期刊检索, IF: 5.58)
Wang ZY (王志宇), Tizani W, Wang QY (2010). “Strength and initial stiffness of a blind-bolt connection based on the T-stub model”, Engineering Structures, 32(9): 2505-2517 (ESI/SCI国际期刊检索,年度热点论文, IF: 5.58)