1.Lei Zhou, Zheming Zhu, Hao Qiu, Xianshang Zhang, Lin Lang. Study of the effect of loading rates on crack propagation velocity and rock fracture toughness using cracked tunnel specimens[J]. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2018,112:25-34.
2.Lei Zhou, Zheming Zhu, Bang Liu, Yong Fan. The effect of radial cracks on tunnel stability[J]. Geomechanics and Engineering, 2018,15(2):721-728.
3.Lei Zhou, Zheming Zhu, Meng Wang, Peng Ying, Yuqing Dong. Dynamic propagation behavior of cracks emanating from tunnel edges under impact loads[J]. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2018, 105: 119-126.
4.Lei Zhou, Zheming Zhu, Yuqing Dong, Yong Fan, Qin Zhou, Shuai Deng. The influence of impacting orientations on the failure modes of cracked tunnel[J]. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2019,125:134-142.
5.Lei Zhou, Zheming Zhu, Yuqing Dong, Peng Ying, Meng Wang. Study of the fracture behavior of mode I and mixed mode I / II cracks in tunnel under impact loads[J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2019,84:11-21.
6.Lei Zhou, Zheming Zhu, Ruifeng Liu, Yong Fan, Yuqing Dong, Peng Ying. Investigation on fracture properties of single-flawed tunnel model under medium-low speed impacts, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica[J].2020,33(2):205-225.
7.Lei Zhou, Caoyuan Niu, Zheming Zhu, Peng Ying, Yuqing Dong, Shuai Deng. Fracture properties and tensile strength of three typical sandstone materials under static and impact loads[J]. Geomechanics and Engineering, 2020,23(5):467-480.
8.Lei Zhou, Zheming Zhu, Yuqing Dong, Caoyuan Niu. Investigation of dynamic fracture properties of multi-crack tunnel samples under impact loads[J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2020,109:102733.
9.Lei Zhou, Weiting Gao, Liyuan Yu, Zheming Zhu, Jianxing Chen, Xingkai Wang. Thermal effects on fracture toughness of cracked straight-through Brazilian disk green sandstone and granite,Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering(2022).//doi.org/10.1016/j.jrmge.2022.02.016.
10.Lei Zhou, Jianxing Chen, Changlin Zhou, Zheming Zhu, Yuqing Dong, Hanbing Wang. Study on failure behaviors of mixed-mode cracks under static and dynamic loads[J]. Geomechanics and Engineering, 2022,29(5):567-582.
11.Lei Zhou, Leijun Ma, Zheming Zhu, Yuqing Dong, Jianwei Huang, Shenghua Cui. Study of the coupling effect of elliptical cavities and cracks on tunnel stability under dynamic loads[J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2022,121: 103502.
12.Lei Wang, Zheming Zhu,Lei Zhou*, Weiting Gao, Yuqing Dong, Caoyuan Niu, Ting Ai. Study the effect of circular hole on dynamic fracture properties of cracked PMMA specimen under impact loads[J], International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2021,156:103948.
13.Caoyuan Niu, Zheming Zhu*,Lei Zhou*, Xiaohan Li, Peng Ying, Yuqing Dong, Shuai Deng. Study on the microscopic damage evolution and dynamic fracture properties of sandstone under freeze-thaw cycles[J]. Cold Regions Science and Technology. 2021,191,103328.
14.Changlin Zhou, Bo Peng, An Deng, Xiaofeng Gao, Yaojia Li,Lei Zhou*, Zheming Zhu*. Study of calculation method of pure mode II stress intensity factor of fine-grained concrete using different numerical models[J]. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,2021,59(2):251-264.
15.Yuanfeng Jiang, Zheming Zhu*, Liyuan Yu,Lei Zhou*, Renfan Zhan, Leijun Ma. Investigation of the fracture characteristics of granite and green sandstone under different thermal treatments[J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2021,118: 103217.
16.Xingyu Wang, Zheming Zhu,Lei Zhou*, Leijun Ma, Changlin Zhou, Zhihong Wang. Study on the effects of joints orientation and strength on failure behaviour in shale specimen under impact loads[J]. International Journal of Impact Engineering,2022,163:104162.
17.Hanbing Wang, Jianwei Huang, Zheming Zhu*,Lei Zhou*, Ruifeng Liu, Yuanfeng Jiang, A complex analysis of stress intensity factors for two asymmetric and unequal collinear cracks in rocks subjected to compressive and shear loads, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics,2022,118:103258.
18.Hanbing Wang, Jianwei Huang,Lei Zhou*, Zheming Zhu*, Zhengyan Yang, Yun Shu. Theoretical analysis of stress intensity factor for two asymmetric cracks emanating from water conveyance tunnel[J], International Journal of Applied Mechanics.2022,14(4):2250031.
19.Jianwei Huang, Hanbing Wang,Lei Zhou*, Zheming Zhu*, Ze Deng, An Deng. Analysis of stress intensity factor for a crack emanating from elliptical hole subjected to compressive stress and shear stress[J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2022,119:103413.
20.Zhihong Wang, Meng Wang,Lei Zhou*, Zheming Zhu*, Yun Shu, Tao Peng. Research on uniaxial compression strength and failure properties of stratified rock mass[J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2022,121:103499.