1.Duanying Wan, Meng Wang*,Zheming Zhu*, Fei Wang, Lei Zhou, Ruifeng Liu, Weiting Gao, Yun Shu, Hu Xiao. Coupled GIMP and CPDI material point method in modelling blast-induced three-dimensional rock fracture.International Journal of Mining Science and Technology,//doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmst.2022.08.012.
2.YunShu,ZhemingZhu,MengWang,FeiWang,LiRen,YaojiaLi. A modified JH2 model with improved strength model, damage evolution, and equation of state for rock under impact and blasting loads. Mechanics of Materials, 2022: 104454.
3.YunShu,ZhemingZhu,MengWang,PengYing,FeiWang,DuanyingWan,XiaohanLi,WeitingGao.A plastic damage constitutive model for rock-like material focusing on the hydrostatic pressure induced damage and the interaction of tensile and shear damages under impact and blast loads. Computers and Geotechnics, 2022, 150: 104921.
4.Yuqing Dong,Zheming Zhu*, Liyuan Yu, Lei Zhou*, Yuanfeng Jiang, Renfan Zhang. Investigation of dynamic fracture in VASCT samples under the effect ofdifferent loading modes. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics,2022,119:103321.
5.Lei Zhou, Leijun Ma,Zheming Zhu*, Yuqing Dong, Jianwei Huang, Shenghua Cui. Study of the coupling effect of elliptical cavities and cracks on tunnel stability under dynamic loads. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2022,121: 103502.
6.Lei Zhou, Weiting Gao, Liyuan Yu,Zheming Zhu*, Jianxing Chen, Xingkai Wang. Thermal effects on fracture toughness of cracked straight-through Brazilian disk green sandstone and granite, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering.2022,14(5):1447-1460.
7.Yong Fan,Zheming Zhu*, Yanlin Zhao, Lei Zhou, Hao Qiu, Caoyuan Niu,Analytical solution of T-stresses for an inclined crack in compression,International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences,Volume 138,2021,104433.(SCI, TOP,通讯).
8.Duanying Wan,Zheming Zhu*, Ruifeng Liu, Bang Liu, Jianfei Li,Measuring method of dynamic fracture toughness of mode I crack under blasting using a rectangle specimen with a crack and edge notches, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences,Volume 123,2019,104104.(SCI, TOP,通讯).
9.Hao Qiu,Zheming Zhu*, Meng Wang, Fei Wang, Caisong Luo, Duanying Wan,Study of the failure properties and tensile strength of rock-mortar interface transition zone using bi-material Brazilian discs,Construction and Building Materials,Volume 236,2020,117551.(SCI, TOP,通讯).
10.Xiaohan Li,Zheming Zhu*, Meng Wang*, Yun Shu, Shuai Deng, Dingjun Xiao,Influence of blasting load directions on tunnel stability in fractured rock mass,Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering,2021.(SCI, TOP,共同通讯).
11.Xiaohan Li,Zheming Zhu*, Meng Wang*, Dingjun Xiao, Yun Shu, Shuai Deng,Fracture mechanism of rock around a tunnel-shaped cavity with interconnected cracks under blasting stress waves,International Journal of Impact Engineering,Volume 157,2021,103999.(SCI, TOP,共同通讯).
12.Hao Qiu, Fei Wang,Zheming Zhu*, Meng Wang*, Demei Yu, Caisong Luo, Duanyin Wan,Study on dynamic fracture behaviour and fracture toughness in rock-mortar interface under impact load,Composite Structures,Volume 271,2021,114174.(SCI, TOP,共同通讯).
13.Changlin Zhou,Zheming Zhu, Aijun Zhu, Lei Zhou, Yong Fan, Lin Lang,Deterioration of mode II fracture toughness, compressive strength and elastic modulus of concrete under the environment of acid rain and cyclic wetting-drying, Construction and Building Materials,Volume 228,2019.(SCI, TOP,通讯).
14.Lin Lang, Zheming Zhu, Xianshang Zhang, Hao Qiu, Changlin Zhou.Investigation of crack dynamic parameters and crack arresting technique in concrete under impacts.Construction and Building Materials,Volume 199,2019,321-334.(SCI, TOP,通讯).
15.Yuqing Dong,Zheming Zhu, Li Ren, Lei Zhou, Peng Ying, Meng Wang,Crack dynamic propagation properties and arrest mechanism under impact loading,Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering,Volume 12, Issue 6,2020,1171-1184.(SCI, TOP,共同通讯).
16.Lei Zhou,Zheming Zhu*, Yuqing Dong, Yong Fan, Qin Zhou, Shuai Deng. The influence of impacting orientations on the failure modes of cracked tunnel[J]. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2019,125:134-142.(SCI, TOP,通讯).
17.Lei Zhou,Zheming Zhu*, Yuqing Dong, Peng Ying, Meng Wang. Study of the fracture behavior of mode I and mixed mode I / II cracks in tunnel under impact loads[J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2019,84:11-21.(SCI, TOP,通讯).
18.Lei Zhou,Zheming Zhu*, Hao Qiu, Xianshang Zhang, Lin Lang. Study of the effect of loading rates on crack propagation velocity and rock fracture toughness using cracked tunnel specimens. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2018,112:25-34.(SCI, TOP,通讯).
19.Changlin Zhou,Zheming Zhu*, Zhihong Wang, Hao Qiu. Deterioration of concrete fracture toughness and elastic modulus under simulated acid-sulfate environment [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 176: 490-499.(SCI, TOP,通讯).
20.Meng Li,Zheming Zhu*, Ruifeng Liu, Bang Liu, Lei Zhou, Yuqing Dong. Study of the effect of empty holes on propagating cracks under blasting loads [J]. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences.2018, 103:186-194.(SCI, TOP,通讯).
21.Peng Ying,Zheming Zhu*, Fei Wang, Meng Wang*, Caoyuan Niu, Lei Zhou,The characteristics of dynamic fracture toughness and energy release rate of rock under impact,Measurement,2019,147:106884.
22.Hao Qiu,Zheming Zhu*, Fei Wang, Meng Wang*, Changlin Zhou, Caisong Luo, Xingyu Wang, Hongyun Mao,Dynamic behavior of a running crack crossing mortar-rock interface under impacting load, Engineering Fracture Mechanics,2020:240:107202.
23.Hao Qiu,Zheming Zhu*, Meng Wang, Fei Wang, Yongchao Ma, Lin Lang, Peng Ying,Study on crack dynamic propagation behavior and fracture toughness in rock-mortar interface of concrete, Engineering Fracture Mechanics,2020,:228:106798.
24.Peng Ying,Zheming Zhu*, Li Ren*, Shuai Deng, Caoyuan Niu, Duanying Wan, Fei Wang,Deterioration of dynamic fracture characteristics, tensile strength and elastic modulus of tight sandstone under dry-wet cycles,Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics,2020,109:102698.
25.Lin Lang,Zheming Zhu*, Shuai Deng, Lei Wang, Chaoyuan Niu, Dingjun Xiao,Study on the arresting mechanism of two arrest-holes on moving crack in brittle material under impacts,Engineering Fracture Mechanics,Volume 229,2020,229:106936.
26.Xianshang Zhang,Zheming Zhu*, Guangcai Wen, Lin Lang, Meng Wang*,Study on gas desorption and diffusion kinetic behavior in coal matrix using a modified shrinking core model,Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2021,204:108701.