


美国工程院院士David T. Allen教授学术讲座通知

来源: | 发布时间:2017/12/07 22:10:51 | 点击:

报告题目:Air Quality Impacts of Expanded Oil and Natural Gas Production in the United States

报告人:David T. Allen(美国工程院院士,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校化学工程系教授)

Department of Chemical Engineering,University of Texas at Austin

ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering主编



讲座地点:四川大学望江校区DB电竞 128会议室

主办单位:DB电竞 ,新能源与低碳技术研究院

内容简介:The energy supply infrastructure in the United States has been changing dramatically over the past decade. Increased production of oil and natural gas, particularly from shale resources using horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, made the United States the world’s largest producer of oil in 2014. The U.S. Energy Information Administration has projected that increased domestic production of oil and gas will persist for decades and that the United States may become a net energy exporter over the next two decades. Shale resources are also extensive in China, and China may see similar increases in oil and gas production activity. While the availability of abundant and lower cost oil and natural gas has had significant economic benefits, the environmental impacts associated with ‘‘fracking’’ for oil and gas have made it controversial.

The production and utilization of oil and gas from shale resources has multiple environmental impacts, including impacts on land, water, and air. This presentation will examine air quality impacts, specifically, changes in greenhouse gas, criteria air pollutant and air toxics emissions from oil and gas production and use activities. National emission inventories indicate that VOC and NOx emissions from oil and gas supply chains in the United States have been increasing significantly, while emission inventories for greenhouse gases have seen slight declines over the past decade. These emission inventories are based on counts of equipment and operational activities (activity factors), multiplied by average emission factors, and therefore are subject to uncertainties in these factors. While uncertainties associated with activity data and missing emission source types can be significant, multiple recent measurement studies indicate that the greatest uncertainties are associated with emission factors. In many source categories, small groups of devices or sites, referred to as super-emitters, contribute a large fraction of emissions. When super-emitters are accounted for, multiple measurement approaches, at multiple scales, produce similar results for estimated emissions. Work done to date suggests that both equipment malfunction and operational practices can be important in causing super-emitters. Finally, while most of this presentation will focus on emissions from energy supply infrastructures, the regional air quality implications of some coupled energy production and use scenarios will be examined. These case studies suggest that both energy production and use should be considered in assessing air quality implications of changes in energy infrastructures, and that impacts are likely to vary among regions.



美国工程院院士;德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校化学工程DB电竞 化学工程系教授;德克萨斯环境技术委员会主席;德克萨斯大学能源与环境资源中心主任;德克萨斯空气质量研究项目负责人;ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering主编。