美国工程院院士、中国工程院外籍院士John Crittenden教授学术讲座
报告题目:Degradation of methylisothiazolinone using an electrochemical flow through anode
报 告 人:John. C. Crittenden
邀 请 人:谢汝桢 副教授
时 间:2019年12月16日上午10: 00
地 点:望江校区行政楼128会议室
内容简介:Electrochemical advanced oxidation processes are considered to be a promising water treatment technologies for high efficiency in degrading non-biodegradable pollutants, however, the traditional flow-by operation mode has poor mass transfer performance and high energy consumption. The presentation will introduce a flow-through anode which has a much higher efficiency and lower EE/O value than flow-by anodes for degrading methylisothiazolinone.

美国工程院院士;中国工程院外籍院士;美国现代化工领域最杰出100人;布鲁克•拜尔斯可持续发展系统研究所所长;Hightower首席与可持续发展系统GRA杰出学者;ES & T杂志副主编;美国物理化学领域最权威的学者。